Criminal Concerns Can Lead to Clearance Suspension, Revocation, and Denial Even if you are not Convicted

Even if you aren't convicted criminal concerns including a credible allegation can lead to the suspension, revocation and denial of a security clearance as Guideline J - Criminal Conduct Concerns.

As discussed in PSH-24-0115, by the Department of Energy Office of Hearings and Appeals Administrative Judge, "Under Guideline J, “[c]riminal activity creates doubt about a person’s judgment, reliability, and trustworthiness.” Adjudicative Guidelines at ¶ 30. “By its very nature, it calls into question a
person’s ability or willingness to comply with laws, rules, and regulations.” Id. Conditions that could raise a security concern include “[e]vidence (including, but not limited to, a credible allegation, an admission, and matters of official record) of criminal conduct, regardless of whether the individual was formally charged, prosecuted, or convicted[.]” PSH-24-0115 at p.2.

If you are charged with or have concerns about a potential criminal charge, then in addition to securing competent criminal defense counsel consider reaching out to the Law Firm of Daniel L. Ellis, PLLC and schedule a confidential consultation.

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