Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (Tennessee)

Some individuals can receive benefit from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund it they are:

  • The victim of the crime (the individual who received personal injury)
  • A dependent of a deceased victim
  • The administrator of the victim’s estate
  • Someone who was injured trying to prevent a crime or apprehend a criminal
  • A relative responsible for funeral or burial costs
  • A victim's child who witnessed domestic violence against the parent and received counseling as a result
  • The relative of a homicide victim who received mental health counseling
  • A sibling or parent of a victim of child sexual abuse who received counseling as a result

    However, there are additional eligibility requirements including that:

  • The crime must be reported to authorities within 48 hours (unless the victim is a minor or there is good cause).
  • The crime must have happened in Tennessee.
  • The victim’s actions cannot contribute to the crime.
  • The victim/claimant must fully cooperate with police and efforts to prosecute.
  • A claim must be filed within two years of the crime, unless good cause can be established for not doing so.
  • There must be an eligible expense. This program is a fund of last resort, so it does not consider costs that are covered by another source.

Learn more about the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund here.

Still have questions? Schedule a consultation with Attorney Ellis at 865-235-1787.
