In Town for a Youth Wheelchair Basketball Tournament Children who are Wheelchair Users and their Parents Allegedly Refused Restaurant Murfreesboro, Tennessee Service Results in Settlement

It has been reported that a restaurant in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, has agreed to a six-figure settlement for allegations that they refused to seat and serve a group of parents and children who use wheel chairs who were in town for a youth wheelchair basketball tournament claiming offensively that they were a fire hazard.

Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended prohibits public accommodations, such as restaurants, from discriminating against people on the basis of a disability, or their association with an individual with a disability, in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods or services offered. As part of the settlement, Good Times has agreed to pay eight families a sum of $34,000 each, and a civil penalty of $80,000, for a total settlement payment of $352,000. The US DOJ seeking not only for some financial recompense for this discrimination, but also is requiring the restaurant to adopt new policies and ADA compliance training for its employees. Read the press release from the United States Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Tennessee here.

Attorney Daniel L. Ellis has filed complaints with the U.S. Department of Justice and worked with US DOJ Attorneys in the Disability Rights Section. Attorney Ellis conducted witness interviews, prepared affidavits, and filed a complaint against a restaurant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee that resulted in settlement. If you or your loved one has been discriminated against on the basis of disability, because they were regarded as a person with a disability, or associated with a person with a disability, then don't delay Contact Us to schedule a Confidential Consultation today!

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