Kids going to College this Fall? Do they or Mom and Dad have an Advance Care Plan or Power of Attorney?

One thing that a lot of parents don't realize is that when their child turns 18 their right to access their children's records usually ends.  Whether your 18 year old child lives with you, moves out on their own, or leaves the home and goes to college out of state a parents ability to support their child through accessing records usually ends. Supported Decision making documents often lack legal authority in Tennessee, but a carefully drafted limited power of attorney can be a legitimate legal instrument with the power and authority to support but not overstep the growing independence of young adults - when  that is what the young adult wants.

There are ways to customize powers of attorney to ensure that parents can help without over intruding on their children - now young adults - rights.   Contact Attorney Ellis about your needs and if we can't help you, then we will do our best to refer you to other local attorneys with experience in this area. Don't delay call or contact us and schedule a time to discuss your legal needs today!